Monday, June 8, 2009

Assignment#4- by Chi Him Ngai

Sorry, I was late on this assignment because I had my other finals in UC Berkeley and missed out to check this class.

1) Do you understand what RSS is and what it is for?
Yes,I understand What RSS is. It can automatically collect all the up-to date posts to the users.
2)Describe how to locate an RSS feed.
To locate an RSS feed, we can search a orange icon like a piece shaped We can also find an RSS feed by typing RSS thing. There are also XML, RSS, and ATOM.
3)Which Google feed bundle did you subscribe to?Talk about a feature you liked or disliked on Google Reader and/or your thoughts on the user interface in general.
I subscribe the “Staff Pick” bundle, it makes me a bit dizzy because it contains so many interesting information such as business and entertainment.
4)This bundle is quite user-friendly, but I find out that there are still a lot “picks” that doesn’t really useful to me.
5) I successfully got into the Breaking news feed.
6) I also added discovery news to my google readers. It is quite easy to subscribe from other sites.

Assignment#5 Wikis in Plain English. by Chi Him Ngai

From wikipedia(one of the wikis in plain english)-- wiki is a website that uses wiki software, and it allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked Web pages, using a simplified markup language. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites. Wikis are used in business to provide intranet and knowledge management systems. Wikis provides a platform for a group to share impoerant information online effiectively.

There are a few wiki websites, such as:

(1) – It provides a platform for us to create our own web page for either our own small business or leisure. We can create links to webpages that we find valuable or to other pages on our wiki. Just select some text, click our link button and select the location we want to link to.
(2) It is a project to create a free, complete, up-to-date, and reliable worldwide travel guide. We can upload our own opinion onto the website and receives feedback from other people anytime.
(3) wiki provides a platform for users to ask and answer questions. It collects a various of topics with huge variety.